About Us
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the leading voice for special and gifted education. Through the vision and dedication of its members, the CEC sets the standard for high quality education for children and youth with exceptionalities. The Council ensures the needs of children and youth with exceptionalities are met in educational legislation, establishes professional standards for the field, and develops initiatives to improve special education practice. CEC is known as THE source for easily accessible online and hardcopy information, resources, and professional development for special educators. The CEC has been a professional home to special educators for almost 100 years.
About Alaska CEC
The Alaska chapter of CEC helps to disseminate Alaska-centric information on pending legislation, resources, professional development and promising practices. It also helps to support an annual statewide special education conference. Finally, Alaska CEC encourages communication and interaction between members who reside within the expansive and hugely diverse state of Alaska.
Get Involved
There are numerous ways for members to be involved with the Alaska CEC. Members should consider being on the board of directors. Elections for open positions are done annually, with announcements being sent out via social media, email, and on this website. Members might also consider being on an adhoc committee or becoming a liaison with another designated professional organization. Such positions are developed on an as-needed basis. Members can also become involved by attending virtual all-member meetings and Alaska CEC sponsored webinars.
Contact Us
The Alaska CEC primarily communicates with its members through emails, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and via this website. The most effect way for you to communicate with the Alaska CEC is through the following email address: [email protected]